In the spring of 1917 Walter's battalion made a ten day march to Arras to reinforce the British offensive.
After the action Walter's company was relieved but Walter and others were left behind and had to find their own way back.
Early in 1918 Walter caught up with his brother George. Walter marched beside him to his camp.
Early in 1918 Walter caught up with his brother George. Walter marched beside him to his camp.
Sun 14th Jan
Fritz shelled camp with long range guns - rush for old
German dugouts 200 yards away where we slept for next few nights. Several chaps from my tent (signals) were
wounded on carrying party - one killed.
Fortunately I was absent having to report to Headquarters at Millencourt
for duty as a tailor, (some mistake).
Long tramp with full kit but perhaps I was lucky.
Stayed at Corps headquarters that night and tramped back
to Bazenten next morning.
Wed 24th Jan
Battalion came out of line.
Thur 25th Jan
Back to Albert and billeted in a corner cafe near
Mon 29th Jan
Thur Feb 8th
Mericourt after long march.
Mon 12th Feb
Relieved French in trenches on Peronne sector.
Tich and I turned out of our cosy little cubby hole by corporal
Saint who wanted it for a bomb store.
While looking for a fresh cubby for us (we following) he was struck by a
shell and blown to pieces - but beyond concussion Tich and I were all right. Very little of poor old Saint was found to
Trenches in a very bad state of repair and working
parties every night cutting fire steps etc.
Ground frozen hard and work was very hard.
Sat 17th Feb
Thaw set in - trenches in terrible mess. Was lucky in leaving trenches for a signals
course at Foucaucourt. (Bon time).
Mon 5th Mar
Rejoin battalion at Proyart in signal section.
Fri 9th Mar
Marched to Warfusel - Lammoste and billeted in French
huts - decent village and being lighted with gas was quite a novelty after
seeing nothing stronger than a candle for months.
Had a good time.
Mon 12th Mar
Back to signals course at Mericourt - Sur - Somme, billeted in
French huts with Reay and Finlayson.
Sat 17th Mar
Fin and myself on guard.
Sun 18th Mar
Church parade in Chateau grounds, Divisional
Thur 29th Mar
Rejoined battalion at Warfusel.
Fri 30th Mar
This day we learnt that our division (the 50th) were
flying division and command on the march that day passing through Villiers
Breloneux and after long days march arrived that evening at Camon-dosey, little
town - dead beat and didnt go out.
Sat 31st Mar
Continued march going through Amiens
and arrived at village
of Bertangles.
Mon 2nd April
Continued march and arrived at Beauval, nice little town
- bokoo
but luck out, no brass.
Tues 3rd April
March and arrive at village of Fortel
after passing through Doullens.
Wed 4th April
Marched and arrived at village of Framecourt. We stayed here and on Good Friday marched a
few kilometres to Petit Horwain for manoeuvres attack on railway station - I did
duty as sig.
Sat 7th April
Marched and arrived at Monchcaux.
Sun 5th April
Marched and arrived at Givenchy- Le-Noble and billeted in
large Chateau courtyard - all racehorse stables.
Easter Monday
Stand to all day for a big stunt at Arras.
Tues 10th April
Marched and arrived at Wanquotin, few kilos from Arras.
Wed 11th April
Continued march and were halted in centre of Arras about 10pm when it
was snowing quite heavily. After
tinkering about for an hour continued march and about midnight reached old
German trench called HUN LINE where we kipped in Fritz's dugouts which were
best system of dugouts I had seen. All
connected and well ventilated - were in front very thick. This position was recently captured by
British. We were all dead beat and very
thankful our long march was ended.
Sat 14th April
In reserve at Telegraph Hill where there were two British
disabled tanks, one named Charlie Chaplin which carried two 3 inch guns.
![]() |
Dis-abled British Tank (Imperial War Museum) |
Sun 15th April
Front line at Wancourt.
Large gun (probably naval) doubtful whether British or German destroyed
a large part of our trench. Luckily no casualties.
Thur 19th April
Relieved but Lt (Butcher) Brown messed things with result
half a dozen of us left behind from company.
We went on our own following railway through Wancourt which was being
heavily shelled. That night slept with
R.A.M.C. in dugout dressing station.
Fri 20th April
Not finding company we reported at transport at Arras on the way passing
Butcher Brown having breakfast with R.T.A. officers. From transport with water cart rejoined
company at Telegraph Hill in dugouts.
That evening saw British ammunition column going up under heavy shell
Sat 21st April
Back to Arras
and billeted in caves - very large - lavatories and even streets, the
whole place lit by electricity. Saw
Fritz plane bring down an observer balloon in flames - the occupant escaping by
Sun 22nd April
Church parade in caves (gives some idea of size) Stood to all day.
Mon 23rd April
St George's
Day rosettes issued (red and white).
Evening alarm and we rushed to reserve line.
Tues 24th April
Our Brigade made attack on Wancourt tower. Stiff fight very heavy bombardment - Fritz
used thousands of flares - many casualties in our Brigade.
Thurs 26th April
Entrained at Arras
railway siding (very desolate) for Mondicourt.
Sat 9th Feb
In line with A company sig station in German
Pill-box. Just after we arrived Fritz
dropped shell clean on top of Pill-box which rocked about like a ship at sea.
Sat 16th Feb
Whitby camp - bokoo rum punch (hot milk rum and
sugar). Had double dose with A company
and then went to my own company where I got best part of (diru?) full of QMS
Jarvelund after this lot I felt a bit lively and went to postmans dugout across
road for a registered letter I was expecting and which I got alright.
Wed 20th Feb
33rd division passed our camp and I was soon on lookout
for Brother (George) who I found after running about a mile to the head of the
column. Walked beside him on march till
he reached camp and then dashed back
and we were to go up the line that
Fri 22nd Feb
Back to Whitby camp.
Sat 23rd Feb
Entrained at Ypres for Wizerous from here we marched
about 12 kilos to Boisdingen where I rejoined D company. Billeted in an old airforce camp.
Tues 26th Feb
Reveille 4.30 marched to rifle range which was being used
by Australians - back to billet and then back to range in afternoon. Stan Reay and I were sentries on road in rear
of range we had to prevent anyone passing for fear of richochets. Afternoon we had to carry danger flags back
to hut on range. By then battalion had
moved off so we strolled back on our own and had tea in a YM and then back to
camp at 8pm.